Is Scaler Academy worth the hype? : My 1-year Experience and Review

It fills us with pride to watch our Scaler's achieving milestones in their life and choose to give back to the community by providing a helping hand to fellow coders with their mentorship.
Here's one such inspiring journey of our Scaler, Sandeep Sinha Mahapatra,

"There was no match for the content that Scaler Academy provided be it the structure, the topics, the questions.

Another thing that really impressed me was the support and the guidance every person at Scaler gave to us. I could reach out to anyone at any point in time, and they would always help me with my queries.

I am incredibly grateful to my mentor, Aniruddha Mukherjee (ex - Microsoft ) from ServiceNow, for being everything that I wanted in my mentor.

He helped me grow not just academically and professionally, but personally as well.

Read his Complete Story: Link

In my 3 months at Scaler Academy, I learned more than I could have imagined. Until I came to Scaler, getting to a product based company seemed unachievable. But now, I feel I can achieve anything if I put my mind to it -- that is the level of confidence Scaler has given me.

I still have a long way to go, and a lot of things to achieve, but I know that any and every downfall will only bring me closer to my dream.

And the testament to that is two people who are my biggest inspirations -- Abhimanyu Saxena Sir and Anshuman Singh Sir. 

They motivated me to create a group where I mentor around 20 students who reach out to me for advice. Before Scaler, I was at a stage where I couldn’t help myself, and today I am able to help others. Thank you, Abhimanyu Sir, Anshuman Sir, Saurabh Sir, and everyone else at Scaler for doing the stellar work that you do!"


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