
Showing posts with the label interviewbit

What is Bubble Sort and How does it work?

Introduction to Sorting Algorithms: Sorting Algorithms are procedures of reorganizing a large number of items into some specific order such as highest to lowest, or vice-versa, or even in some alphabetical order. The algorithms take an input list, processes it (i.e, performs some operations on it) & produce the sorted list. The most common example, we experience every day is sorting clothes or other items on an e-commerce website either by lowest-price to highest, or list by popularity, or some other order. Bubble Sort : This is one of the simplest Sorting Algorithm, & is  very much necessary to learn  as it represents the basic foundations of sorting, here we've tried to demystify this sorting algorithm . Learn More: Link

IIITH Alumni Startups InterviewBit and Scaler Academy – Reimagining Online Tech Education

For Founders Anshuman and Abhimanyu, it was their love for computer science that brought them to IIITH. The entrepreneurial bug caught the duo early in 2008 while still on campus which resulted in them starting their own ventures "Daksh" - a home automation system prototype, "Campus Bhopu" - a precursor of sorts to Facebook, along with their bactchmate Jayraj Bhattacharya. Although their ventures were a success, after graduation they went on to pursue corporate jobs where Anshuman was hired by Facebook and Abhimanyu joined Four years into their respective jobs, the duo decided to quit in 2014, and founded InterviewBit .  With their vision of bridging the gap between university education and industry requirements which became apparent after interviewing multiple candidates in their respective companies, they launched Interviewbit in 2015. IB which Abhimanyu refers to as a "massive public library of programming problems" which is a suc...