My Scaler Academy Experience: SDE at D.E Shaw Rajdeep Pal

From having an Electronics Background to now landing his dream career at D.E. Shaw. The journey of our Scaler Rajdeep Pal is nothing short of inspiring. Presenting his story in his own words.

Branch : Electronics Engineering (B.Tech), 2016–2020

Motivation for joining Scaler Academy :
1. Since I am from non-CS background, it was difficult for me to make a career in the field of software engineering without formal teaching.
2. During my internship preparations, I faced difficulty in understanding data structures and algorithms on my own while learning from online sources.
3. Hence, I joined Scaler academy 4 months before college placements.
Original Source: Medium

Learning experience in Scaler Academy :
1. The best part was teaching by professionals from the industry. Also, learning from experts was effective and fast.
2. They introduced algorithms and data structures in the most appropriate order and sequence which made it easy for me to grasp difficult concepts.
3. Regular assignments and homeworks ensured consistent practice which is the key in programming.
4. Apart from programming, core CS topics such as DBMS, OS, System Design, OOPs were taught which plays a key role in interviews.
5. Weekend tests conducted were extremely helpful in increasing programming speed.
6. Motivation form teachers and students who are placed well helps me in consistently studying and improving programming skills.
7. Tips from teachers for any interviews were helpful.
8. Launchpad classes allowed to get hands on experience of OOPs and java framework.

Difference from University teaching :
1. Since I don’t belong to CS branch thereby have no experience of CS topics being taught in classroom, I cannot compare the both.
2. Students enrolled in CS branches in universities can throw better light on this comparison.
3. But surely teaching in Scaler proved perfect for me.

1. Only due to the academy I was able to sit in campus placements just fairly. Even after campus placements, I continued learning with the academy for gaining more knowledge, upskilling myself and searching for off-campus opportunities.
2. I got offers from VMware(on-campus) and D.E.Shaw(off-campus).
3. I definitely recommend the academy to those who aspire all-round knowledge and clear concepts in the concerning field.
4. I totally agree that Scaler Academy is completely worth the money or may be much more.

Thank You."


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