My Experience with Scaler Academy: SDE 1 at Amazon Scaler Bibhu Prasad Pala

Read the story of our Scaler Bibhu Prasad Pala, from being a Scaler mentee to Software Development Engineer at Amazon in his words.

"I am IB Academy Student who recently got placed in Amazon. I will pen down my story! And will leave up to you to decide if it is worthy or not!

I was working as an intern (in 8th sem) and work was not great and even my salary was not satisfactory. I tried asking referrals from close friends, seniors, and even strangers. And Finally I got one from very good startup @Fivertran and prepared for weeks and attended the interview but I failed. I was broken because referrals for freshers is a tough job if you are not from IIT or NIT.

Now I had no referrals, Soon I found InterviewBit is going to conduct classes and they give referrals and We have to pay after we get placed in our dream companies. I thought It’s a win-win situation. They conduct Entrance test in First Batch I couldn’t get in I tried the second time and I cleared in Second Batch test.

Original source: Quora

May 20, the First day in InterviewBit Academy I was excited After 9hours banging my head in Office I came to the room and joined Live lectures and solved all problems and felt proud of myself.

Fast forward 2 weeks, I was feeling frustrated I couldn’t handle work pressure and attending live lectures. I started downloading one-day previous lectures and played them in 2x speed and It was a bit relaxing.

Weeks passed I was confident, the way InterviewBit has designed the course makes it beautiful. It provides very standard questions for each topic. After a few days,I had my first mock test with My Mentor, I couldn’t answer any question and I was worried. I knew what the problem was, I had only completed 30% of all questions. I geared up, and started discussing problems with a friend, he had also joined Interview Bit. Every day we discussed homework problems and Lectures key points during Lunch Breaks.

And soon referrals started coming in but I couldn’t attend the interviews my job was very hectic. I had no clue what I should do. I was depressed, being a fresher I can’t take so many leaves at the same time, my job was killing me from inside. And I resigned without having any offer in hand. This was a very bold step, taking this decision, being a fresher was not easy. Everyone said I am not taking a wise decision. But I was confident about myself and on InterviewBit. I knew I would get something decent.

~ I was serving 1month notice period

Fast forward one month: Last working day and on the same day I got a call from Amazon!

Wooohoooo I am excited.

Special Thanks to Abhimanyu sir, Vivek sir, Pooja Chandak and Vishwa Mohan and Whole IBTeam. Thank you for being a part of this adventurous journey. "


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